The Weekly Call – Trade Setups for the Week of March 21st

The Weekly Call provides perspective on high-quality setups and trading strategies focused in the Commodity world. My current performance shows a 468% return since October 2016. The purpose of this blog is to demonstrate how to swing trade futures using our methodology to select high-quality setups and manage the trade with our risk management approach.

With over 120 million vaccinated in the US and a very low infection rate, and with the Fed extending it’s promises of aggressive support, the stage is set for another wave of reflation in commodities. With the severe winter storm in February, we have seen softening on the February data. We have also seen overbought conditions in markets such as Crude, Cattle, Soybean Oil, Hogs and also Palladium. Look for back and fill action in these markets and another wave of upside in Commodities. Commodities should continue to trend higher, and watch for softs specifically Cocoa and Coffee. Brazil and the coffee market this year should see production shortfalls which will support more upside. Cocoa is a bullish play due to the expectation of demand increases, we should see 3100 here by year end. Corn – the China demand remains very strong. Wheat – probing for a short term low. Live Cattle – Good spring time demand coming, overdone to the downside.

Current positions, I am still holding the Natural Gas butterfly and still have a week before expiration. I have added some $3.00 calls in May as the turn is NG has taken some time and I am still expecting a shoulder season rally. All profits are out of the April position and I have locked in a 45% profit on margin, still looking for 3.20-.40 into the shoulder season. I may be initiating a Gold and a Live Cattle long this week. See the Track Record below under Completed Trades for information on that trade. All trades are posted on our Private Twitter Feed for subscribers and are in the track record which is posted below under Completed Trades below. I have modified the track record to reflect 9 lot trades using the information in this Blog assuming $25,000 per lot as the current portfolio is over $225,000. See some of my completed trade videos below.

The Weekly Call can now be auto-traded on Just call Striker Securities and open an account of at least $25,000 and every trade I make here will be made for you automatically there. I am planning to use the same methodology and risk management approach with the auto-traded account at Striker that I have been using here. If you have a Daily Update or Trader Triple Play membership, there is no subscription fee for the auto-traded account at Striker. For more information, call and speak with William at (800) 669-8838. For more information, you can also watch this video from our subscriber Q&A HERE.

The trades below are discussed on the Daily Update: Click Here for a FREE Trial




11-29 – Sugar has now broken the support trend line which is a bearish sign, continuation lower is expected. This is just a pull back and higher prices are expected once this completed. Likely we see $14.00-13.50 into the low window of December 18th.

12-6 – So far so far so good and continuati0n lower is still expected into $14.00-13.50. Still looking for a lower window around 12-18.

12-13 – Approaching out target cycle date and also target is just below at 13.90. Looking for a lower low and setup long by the end of this week. Watch for a touch of the lower trend line.

12-20 – No change in forecast since last week, still looking for downside target as long as the resistance trend line is holding. Should be holding only trailer size position as we are inside the cycle date window.

12-27 – A break of the resistance trend line and the low is now in. We are putting in a neckline and will see a retest this week, likely into the broken resistance trend line and higher. Next window is 3-1 and looking for $17 next.

1-3 – Nice rally and continuation higher expected into March at $17. We should see a buying opportunity this week with a pull back into $14.90 or so, looking for a steady climb higher once the retest is done.

1-10 – Nice rally and made the channel tend line and reversed, looking for a turn this week and higher highs into $17.00. There should be support at the lower Bollie.

1-17 – Another nice rally this week and continuation higher expected. Pull back on the front end of this week and lower into the gap is expected, then higher highs to $17.

1-24 – Lower into the gap as expected and now three back look for the next rally into $17.00-$17.50. We should see RSI exceed 70 in the next rally.

1-31 – Retracement pattern has broken up and retested the low and as a result we should see a rally this week and higher into the March window next. A drop in the USD would help the rally.

2-7 – Rally as expected and now look for $17 and continuation higher. Possible trend line touch in the next two weeks could be a short term top. the next retracement could see 15.50.

2-14 – Working its way to target and the $17 area which can be seen this week. Support trend line is support until proven otherwise. When it breaks we open the $14-13.50 area for a retest and higher highs expected after.

2-21 – Sugar is at target and has overthrown the upper trend line. We are a few days early and there is no negative D on RSI. So likely path here is to set negative D and then reverse. Higher highs expected into 3-1 then a decent pull back into $15. Look for the next long setup in late April/ early May.

2-28 – Sugar is turning and may see a higher high or a lower high this week. Watch for a confirmation of a reversal with a break of the monthly pivot at 16.38. Sugar has made target as discussed and is poised for a pull back into May.

3-7 – Sugar is pulling back as expected and about to break the support trend line of the last advance. Look for lower as Brazil gets ready for harvest into May. Target is $14-14.50.

3-14 – Sugar has completed a 5 down structure now looking for a three back and another lower low. Target is still 14.50 stead as she goes.

3-21 – Sugar starting the next 5 down structure as it has completed 5-3 and now looking for the next 5 down. Watch for weekly pivot as resistance this week.



9-6 – Coffee is topping out here and a very nice short is setting up. Look for the reversal this week and a minimum retrace into 115. Price is way extended and negative D on RSI is fully set up.

9-13 – It is likely that the turn is in for Coffee. A pull back is needed here into 115-177 or so before the next legg up. Given the devaluation of the USD, I am expecting more devaluation in the future and higher prices in commodities. Look for quality setups Long, this is not ready yet.

9-20 – Target Made on Coffee. Lower low here sets up the next long, turn is setting up. This is a retracement wave and with the devaluation of the Dollar, watch Coffee make new highs into November.

9-27 – As mentioned target made on coffee and looking for a reversal. Likely we see a higher low or a lower low on the next move sown to set up the turn. Convert 115 and we open 145 next. Watch the Real for clues this week with this reversal.

10-3 – Rally has not confirmed yet but likely will on Monday. Looking for the 10-14 window and a retest of the low. It appears to me that 11-2 is the likely low window for Coffee. We will see how it plays out, but resistance at monthly pivot should play out lower.

10-10 – Rally in Coffee is not confirmed and is likely a retracement wave, looking for resistance at 117 or so this week and then a retest of the low. On the retest watch for a possible higher low at 108ish, a lot depends on USD and continued stimulus which will continue to devalue the Dollar.

10-18 – Coffee broke down early and the flag means that we see a lower low into the end of this month. A big rally is coming, watch for the reversal in the next few weeks.

10-25 – Coffee continued lower and now has RSI pos D setup for a rally. I am still leaning lower into 11-02 window and expect a reversal on the next lower low. 102 is the target, waiting on the setup.

11-1 – Coffee about to make a lower low and setup positive D on RSI. Once seen, I am looking for a rally into January. Weekly pivot is currently resistance until proven otherwise.

11-8 – Coffee may have reversed and the tell will be the higher low at around 103.20. Support found there look for a conversion of monthly pivot and higher prices with the next high window in late January.

11-15 – Coffee has turned and we are in buy the dips mode. Look for a retest and a move higher through late January. Support at 108.00 and likely a inverted right shoulder coming this week.

11-22 – Nice rally in Coffee as discussed, support at 112 this week and looking for more upside into the end of January. More USD downside will continue to spur coffee higher.

11-29 – Coffee still needs a lower print and last week it appears that a B wave has printed. Nice selling opportunity here and looking for a 5 down this week to setup the next buy and long into the January high window. I am expecting the initial trend line to break to form the next wave X.

12-6 – Wave C is printing and looking for a long in the 115-113 area. Next long should make 135 into the late January time frame. Look for the three back to complete for the next turn and an RSI in the 30 area.

12-13 – Coffee is not quite make the 115 area and turned and broke the resistance trend line from the 116s. At this point the broke trend line should be support and next step up is into January 24th and 135. Watch for an IHS and then the next step up.

12-20 – Coffee should see more for pullback before continuation higher. Expecting a 1/24/2020 high window and $136.00. Watch the daily middle bollinger band as next support.

12-27 – Coffee should continue to find the support trend line support into the January 24th window. Looking for higher prices into $136 target and possibly higher into $140.

1-3 – Coffee having production problems with the Brazil crop off 15%. Demand has been weak due to Covid so these market forces seem to be balancing each other. Expecting a high this month into 1-24 timing window and $136, support is the trend line as as long as it holds, expect higher prices.

1-10 – Coffee made the lower trend line of the channel system and turned as expected. Continuation higher expected into 1-24 and $136. Demand should pick up later in the year and with the production issues in Brazil, expect this market to be bullish through 2021.

1-17 – Nice rally on Coffee and continuation higher expected, weekly pivot at 126.20 is support and higher highs into 136 expected into the end of January. Coffee will continue to be bullish this year.

1-24 – Pull back on Coffee and a break of the weekly pivot. The trend line is support and must hold to open the $136 target. Rally confirms above 125.20. A broken trend line here and stand aside as this could be an expanded flat.

1-31 – A broken tend line in KC and that means a flag may be developing and lower prices to 117. Chances are that a retest of 123.95 occurs first then lower lows.

2-7 – Coffee is consolidating and as mentioned last week, lower prices should develop in a wave C into the 117-118 area. From there look higher into 136.

2-14 – Coffee is working it way to target also, and should see 119.55. This week a reversal may occur and next step up is 136 into the end of March. I’ll be looking for a long this week.

2-21 – The Coffee turn was early and did not make full target at 119.55. This week look for a low retest and higher to target at 136. We can see a full double bottom retest.

2-28 – Coffee has made the 136 target and is in a shallow retest again. Likely we see support at 133.35 and higher prices into 141q and eventually 149 which should be the top of Wave Y. Lean long with Coffee this year as demand expansion and a poor crop year are creating bullish conditions.

3-7 – Coffee pulling back as expected. Wave Y complete and a last legg higher is needed into 141-144. A turn is expected this week and trend line support is just below. Watch for a positive D setup on RSI.

3-14 – The turn has occurred as discussed and not quite at the trend line. We could see the trend line or we convert Monthly pivot and head higher. The Lean is still higher into 141-144.

3-21 – Trend line support which much hold this week to see the next advance in Coffee. Looking for target next at 141-144.

Live Cattle


11-28 – Cattle very close to target, and am expecting a small push into $115 and a higher high that sets neg D on RSI. Chances are we will break the support trend line and open a retest of the low into December. Wait for the setup.

12-6 – Live Cattle close to invalidation as the trend line must hold here. Monday need to see a reversal higher and ideal target area for this flag is 116. We are late to the high window and if the trend line breaks we see a retest of the low directly. Lean for now is still long into 115-116.

12-13 – Live Cattle invalidated the support trend line and is now back-testing it. As mentioned to subscribers, look for the next major step lower into January 16th then the next higher high. Looking for a reversal this week and lower lows into 105-06.

12-20 – Live Cattle may be in a triangle here, lean is still lower into the 106 area into January and this week we need to see a reversal OR we can continue higher into target. Waiting for a turn no higher than the R1. If we break, higher highs will ensue.

12-27 – Live Cattle may be in a triangle here. It is early to call a triangle but it has all the characteristics. The R1 must hold here and if seen, look for wave C of the triangle into the 1-16 window then D and E then thrust into 2-26. The ideal play here is a long at the bottom of wave C or a strangle to capture premium.

1-3 – The triangle broke up so expecting a shallower pull back as we are finishing a 5 wave sequence. A higher high and we see a pull back into 1-16 and the $112.00 area before the next major move higher into $124.

1-10 – Live Cattle is consolidating and may see a retest of the low before seeing the next legg higher into the end of Feb. $134 is target and looking for the previous high to convert to confirm next legg higher.

1-17 – Live Cattle has made target and is against monthly pivot. Convert the pivot and we see 2-26 as the next high window and the 122-124 area. Look for a confirmation on a conversion and invalidation below the current low.

1-24 – Nice rally from the low as expected, and higher highs into 2.26 and the 122-124 area is next. RSI is expected so watch for support at 120 and continuation higher.

1-31 – Retracement and support at 120 is expected and the last leg up in LE into 126s and completion of major degree wave W. Looking for a reversal this week.

2-7 – Confirmation of the turn last week and continuation higher as expected into the 2-26 window and likely the 126 window.

2-14 – Target has been made in Live Cattle, we can see a last push higher into 2-26. A reversal is coming this week and looking for a break of the lower trend line and the 117 area next into April.

2-21 – Reversal in Live Cattle no surprise as we made target last week. looking for a right shoulder this week and a move to the trend line in the 118 area. Still bullish Live Cattle and looking for 134-35 next after the retracement.

2-28 – Watch this week for Live Cattle to bottom out in the 118-119 area. No long setup yet on RSI but one is coming later this week. Looking for the next step higher into 135s.

3-7 – No turn yet for Cattle, we are in he 118 zone and we have a positive D setup. Waiting for a marginal lower low, Looking for a Cattle reversal this week.

3-14 – Cattle is in a possible reversal and we have a positive D setup on RSI. Looking for the rally this week and eventually target at 132-134.

3-21 – Live Cattle has overthrown the trend line can can still see a marginal lower low. A long setup is coming when we reset pos D on RSI – 132-134 is still the target in May.



11-22 – Gold continues to consolidate and looking for a lower low for a long setup. Short term a flag has printed so expecting the lower low early next week. Longer term still bullish Gold.

11-29 – Lower low has played out as discussed and now the structure may put in a lower low for a wave 5 – the trend line test this week will give clues. Resistance at 1828 and we open a wave 5 lower to complete the flat. If we convert that number into support expect the next major rally in Gold. DX also needs a retest higher which is bearish for Gold. No long term changes in forecast, this is a buying opportunity for longer term traders in Gold into 2021.

12-6 – The turn in Gold may be in. This week expect a retest of the low and a rally in the USD. Support expected in 1800 or we will see the new low. Next year inflation will drive gold much higher, any pull back is a buying opportunity.

12-13 – Watch this week for a buy in Gold on a marginal lower low, should see the flag break down and then reverse and see higher highs. Will likely see a positive D setup this week before the turn on RSI.

12-20 – Pull back was shallow and has continued higher into the trend line area. Continuation higher into 1910-20 expected then a pull back into the 1870-50 area as the USD rallies. Expect the rally to last through Christmas then look for a pull back in early January and higher high will ensure into 2100. Pull backs are not short opportunities they are buying opportunities, stay on the right right side and legg in and out of your long positions in Gold.

12-27 – Continuation higher expected in Gold and the support trend line needs to hold into 1920 or so before a pull back will ensue. Gold should set up with neg D here in a higher high and any pull back is a buying opportunity. For 2021, expect to see inflation support Gold prices.

1-3 – Continuation higher still expected as we have not yet seen 1920ish target and a new swing high. Once seen this week we should see a pull back and another buying opportunity into 70 by mid January then the next major swing higher into March. I am bullish commodities in general in 2021, especially metals and Gold.

1-10 – New swing high as expected, the POP then the DROP as expected also and beyond retrace target at 1870-50ish. This represents a buying opportunity so adding to existing positions here is suggested. We can still see positive D set up on RSI so a marginal lower low is possible. Looking for a reversal this week and a move higher into March and 2100s possible.

1-17 – Gold is likely turning here and I am expecting the next legg higher to start this week. A double bottom is almost here and if seen positive D is a strong long setup. DX may be reversing as if seen that will support gold prices.

1-24 – Higher prices as expected last week and we are in a small retrace here which should hold weekly pivot. Looking for continuation higher this week. DX may have broken lower and should see $88 – GC must hold 1815 this week and we are at a decision point here Monday.

1-31 – Broken flag and a retest of flag resistance trend line and higher highs expected. DX is finding resistance at the trend line and if that resistance holds, look higher in GC. 1815 still support and looking for it to hold this week.

2-7 – Last week 1815 broke which opened the next support area at the monthly S1 which is where we are now. We can see a turn without positive D on RSI or we will see a lower low and a turn. The decision to watch is 1821 – if resistance likely the low will be retested and possibly a lower low.

2-14 – Gold broke 1821 last week and also broke the trend line. Chances are we have just retested the low and should see an impulse and higher highs this week. DX has already reversed and lower low coming. Gold getting ready for 2000 and beyond. It is possible to see a lower low here and if seen it is a buying opportunity.

2-21 – Gold putting in a bottom here with positive D on RSI. Key for this week is a rally through the trend line at 1800. DX has reversed and lower to $88 should play out. This is a decent buying opportunity.

2-28 – Gold failed to rally through 1800 and has made a larger three down. Support trend line at 1705 which must hold or we open 1636. 1800 still my main marker for the rally to confirm and I am still bullish Gold this year, no long term change in forecast as we are finishing a retracement pattern.

3-7 – Gold may be turning here for at least a bounce as we have a positive D setup here on RSI. Convert the trend line at 1760 and we have the next leg higher confirmed. OF we find resistance we can open the larger three down target at 1638. Gold is in a bull flag and I am expecting it to break up.

3-14 – Gold may have reversed, no confirmation yet on the structure which requires a conversion of 1755. If seen Gold will turn trend up. Requirements are USD to drop and the 10 yr yields to stay between 1.25-1.70.

3-21 – Gold may have reversed and a confirmation is coning on a conversion of the declining resistance trend line. We convert 55 we have a confirmed turn and higher highs to come. No inflation scare yet but this will eventually come to pass later this year.

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Track Record of Completed Trades

The purpose of this blog is to demonstrate how to swing trade futures using our methodology to select high-quality setups and manage the trade with our risk management approach. This track record is based on entries and exits as posted in this blog. I am currently using 9 lots for the Striker trades which is based on this account being over $225,000. Each lot for auto trading at Striker requires $25,000 per lot. See the videos below for more information.

Track Record January 2020 thru December 2020 Click Here.

Track Record January 2019 thru December 2019 Click Here.

Track Record January 2018 thru December 2018 Click Here.

Track Record October 2016 – December 2017 Click Here.

*** Trading futures contracts and futures options involves substantial risk of loss, and may not be appropriate for all investors. By reading this web site, you acknowledge and accept that all trading decisions are your sole responsibility. Trading strategies referenced on this web site and associated documents and emails are only suggestions, no representation is being made that they will achieve profits or losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.. See our disclaimer here.

Completed trade in Cattle as of November 28th

We expect subscribers to have captured 60% of the swing in live cattle which is over $14,500 in profit using a margin of only $5,115. A great example of using leverage in futures.


Completed Trade in Coffee as of December 12th

The total swing was $37.00 and we expect subscribers to have captured 60% of a wing or $22 in coffee for a profit of over $25,500 using a margin of $8,850. A great example of using leverage in futures. See the video below for the review of the trade.


Completed Trade in Natural Gas as of January 2nd

We were stopped out of out last 1/3 position as weather-related news created a gap down on January 2nd and a possible flat with support at 3.196. This concludes our trade with natural gas; we exit with 550 ticks on 2/3s of a position with $8,500 in profit.

Completed Trade in Coffee as of January 19th

We exited the coffee trade on January 19th with $17 or over $15,000 in profit using a margin of $8,850. A great example of using leverage in futures.

Completed Trade in Gold as of February 8th

We exited the gold trade on February 8th with over $14,000 in profit. We entered on January 3rd and held the trade into the high window. We will re-enter gold in a few weeks after a backtest.

Written by:

Stan Nabozny

Stan is a 20 year retail trading veteran, CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor) and Co-Founder of The Art of Chart. His specialties include using futures and options to trade Energies, Precious Metals, Equities, Currencies, Bonds, Softs, Grains and other commodities. Stan believes that Risk Management and Trader Psychology are more important that technical analysis and spends his time teaching and coaching other traders on these topics. Stan uses various trading systems and technical analysis approaches that integrate time and price in his work. See his latest articles here and

21st Mar 2021

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