Chart Chat for August 30th, 2015

Below is the Chart Chat video for August 30th. This session was an hour in length and we covered Indexes including International,? Currencies, Energies, Precious Metals and a Q&A session.

Jack and I will be starting subscriptions next week in September. Included will be a chart service which will include a basic package of instruments and other more specific instrument groups. Look for our post this week for more information,

Please make sure the HD button is on and you maximize the screen for best viewing. The HD version should be done 20 minutes after this post goes up. Until then, this is the SD version. You may wish to wait for the HD version for best viewing.

Good Luck this week. 🙂

Written by:

Stan Nabozny

Stan is a 20 year retail trading veteran, CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor) and Co-Founder of The Art of Chart. His specialties include using futures and options to trade Energies, Precious Metals, Equities, Currencies, Bonds, Softs, Grains and other commodities. Stan believes that Risk Management and Trader Psychology are more important that technical analysis and spends his time teaching and coaching other traders on these topics. Stan uses various trading systems and technical analysis approaches that integrate time and price in his work. See his latest articles here and

30th Aug 2015

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