Month: July 2020

Quick Update On COVID and SPX

I was reading a very interesting article yesterday on the progress of COVID-19 and it was interesting not so much because of what was said, as for the decent quality numbers that it was quoting on COVID-19 exposures in the US population, and the fatality rate from the now decently sized statistical sample of exposed...

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Month: July 2020

A Killing Joke

I was asked an interesting question yesterday in our monthly free public Chart Chat at, and I'd like to talk a bit about that before I start looking at markets today. The question was whether, given that market prices reflect everything that is currently known at the moment about that market, then how can...

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Month: July 2020

The Weekly Call – Trade Setups for the Week of July 5th

The Weekly Call provides perspective on high-quality setups and trading strategies focused in the Commodity world.. My current performance shows a 415% return since October 2016. The purpose of this blog is to demonstrate how to swing trade futures using our methodology to select high-quality setups and manage the trade with our risk management approach....

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Month: July 2020

Can One Equal Five?

If I buy a single Aug21 SPY 310/305 Vertical Put Debit spread how many assets do I now own? One of course! Wait, is this a trick question? One, right? The correct answer is five! If that answer didn't occur to you right away then keep reading because I'm going to reveal one of the most...

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Month: July 2020

Crypto-Currencies: Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum for July 5th

I plan to cover just three cryptos every week in this post: Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. These instruments provide trading opportunities with out sized gains. I hope the analysis presented here helps you profit in these instruments. BTCUSD — Looking for the long entry this week, we are getting close to target. Watch for the...

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Month: July 2020

Paragon Options – Nobody Ever Went Broke Taking a Profit

In today’s post we are looking at something slightly different in ParagonOptions.  In the past month or so we have been broadening the range of products we trade to include ETF’s instead of just purely futures options. As well as obviously enabling us to trade a wider basket of products, it also allows us to...

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