Category: Long Term View

Likely Bull Flags Forming

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]My last post was a couple of weeks ago now and in that time the retracement that I was expecting has been playing out, though the main target, rising support from the March low, now in the 3745 area, has not yet been tested, and may well not be before we see a high retest....

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Category: Long Term View

So Here We Are Then – SPX Update

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Firstly my apology for the lack of an update last week. As I've mentioned, I'm negotiating my way through a difficult divorce at the moment, and some weeks are harder than others. On the harder weeks I struggle to get any posts done. As the weeks and months pass everything should be resolved and I...

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Category: Long Term View

Hitting Wedge Resistance

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I was saying in my last post on Friday afternoon that the low made that day looked nice, with touches of the daily middle band and shorter term (from Nov low) rising wedge support on SPX. I was leaning towards seeing a retest of the all time high, which we have seen and more. Now...

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Category: Long Term View

Support Test and Inflection Point

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The research I am doing on the 45dma over the last 25 years is a bigger job than I expected so I should have the post out on that next week. In the short term though, equity indices have been looking pretty interesting and and are at a significant short term inflection point here. The...

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Category: Long Term View

A Strong Start to 2021

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]My daughter went back to university on Saturday and that was the end of the holidays for me. They were the most relaxing for me in years which was nice, but all good things come to an end. The UK is back on full lockdown until at least March due to the new COVID variant...

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Category: Long Term View

A Most Interesting Year

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Tomorrow is the last trading day of 2020 and with new Year's Day on Friday we get another long weekend into the start of 2021 next week. This has been a really interesting year, though a very hard one for many, and will leave a legacy for economies and markets that will likely ripple through...

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Category: Long Term View

Thanksgiving Thoughts – Shorter Term

November is about to end and SPX is likely at the time of writing to do something not previously done in the last twenty five years, which is to close a long way above the monthly upper band, currently 3566 area, only three months above the last strong punch close above in August. What does...

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Category: Long Term View

Thanksgiving Thoughts – Longer Term

I was going to do a longer post today but I've decided to split the post in two, covering the longer term in this post and looking shorter term in a follow up post to be published tomorrow. In my last post I was looking, among other things, at the SPX monthly chart and noting...

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Category: Long Term View

So Here We Are

Firstly my apologies for the wait since my last post. I'm currently getting divorced, which isn't much fun, and the presidential election was so polarising in the US that I was getting the impression that if I mentioned that the weather was getting chillier as the season changed, then some would feel that was a...

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Category: Long Term View

The Masks We Wear

I'm planning to drop some COVID-19 info and updates into some of my posts, hopefully in a way that won't get people thinking that I'm taking a position in the US election, as it is of vital interest for the economy going forward, and there was a time when that mattered for stock markets too,...

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